ONE GOD AND ONE LORD Part 1: A Biblical Study of the Doctrine of the Godhead (book)

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ONE GOD and ONE LORD Part 1: A Biblical Study of the Doctrine of the Godhead

Nearly 660 pages of Bible study notes, detailed contextual, comparative, and linguistic (Hebrew and Greek) analysis, answers to the arguments of differing view on the Godhead, arguments against common conceptions on the Godhead, essays, tables, and much more

BONUS: ALL orders for this book through the online bookstore here will also include a Data CD with the full color version of the book as a printable and downloadable PDF. This is ONLY available through the online bookstore or in the local church bookstore

Also included on the Data CD are PDFs of all 12 printable and downloadable review tests and answer keys on the Doctrine of the Godhead

660 pages

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ONE GOD AND ONE LORD Part 1: A Biblical Study of the Doctrine of the Godhead (book)